ace memory mapped file
System Message Guide vA4(1.0), Cisco ACE Application Control.
ACE_Mem_Map - C++ interface OS memory mapping system call.. ACE_MAP_PRIVATE, void *addr = 0, off_t offset = 0, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = 0 ); int map ( ACE_HANDLE handle. Map a file from an open file descriptor handle.
#include "ace/Mem_Map.h" #if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__) #include. to map the file into memory. int ACE_Mem_Map::map_it (ACE_HANDLE handle.
4715154 (fs) Cannot delete file if memory mapped with FileChannel.
optimization - Optimize read/write huge data (C++) - Stack Overflow.
ACE: Mem_Map.cpp Source File.
ACE provides a rich set of reusable C++ wrappers and frameworks that perform . Memory-mapped files and shared memory management -- e.g., BSD mmap().
Readme - Vanderbilt University.
Mem_Map.cpp Source File - The ACE ORB.
Nov 15, 2000. memory-mapped file that contains C++ objects and other allocated data. objects (not just structures), using (among others) the following ACE.
Problem with memory-mapped objects using ACE - comp.soft-sys.ace.
Nov 15, 2000. memory-mapped file that contains C++ objects and other allocated data. objects (not just structures), using (among others) the following ACE.
Feb 9, 2004. Hi, Thanks very much for your email. Please make sure to send all questions related to TAO or ACE to the ACE mailing list or ACE+TAO.